For my project i am doing a thriller title sequence and an Saul Bass has done title sequences for thrillers such as:
- Phsyco
- Vertigo
- Anatomy of a murder
- Cape ear
- Ocean's eleven
- Goodfella's
- Around the world in 80 day's
I looked at a few of his thriller opening title sequences to give me ideas for my own title sequence. Phsyco helped me allot from the text point of view when i first watched it i had many ideas running through my head of what text i could use on my Title sequence.
Vertigo is a very intense title sequence when i was watching it i was wanting to watch the film to see what would happen in it. I really wanted my title sequence to have the same effect on people.
Anatomy of murder made me realise that you don't have to have real people in a title sequence to make an impact animated can have the same affect. Also i really like the way Saul did not go over the top and make it to flashy it is very plain but, interesting at the same time.