Monday 16 February 2009

Update after filming.

We had some problems whilst filming the first one was, The room was very light so we had to shut the door to block the light coming through under neath the door. Also we had to stick black bags up on all of the windows to block the light coming in even then the room was still not as light as we wanted.

The second problem was there was not enough blood for the scene and it was not runny enough to flick against the tiles so we had to mix the blood with water and ketchup but, in the end it did not look to bad.

The third problem was that the corridor was very light as the doors were glass so the light came straight through. We shot it anyway but we did not like it and thought it did not work with the rest of our title sequence. So we decided to shoot it in one of the school corridors i was not to happy with the end result of this shoot either s i thought it was to dark but, Nichola and Emily liked it so we stuck with it.

The last problem was the sinks were very clean so it did not fit in with the rest of the scenes we filmed it anyway and did not like it so we decided to leave the whole sink scene out as it was very unoriginal and most of the class doing thriller had a sink scene in it.

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