Friday, 27 March 2009

Evaluation - Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My title sequence is aimed at the younger generation 16 - 25 but i also feel that some of the older generation would watch 'A dolls house'.

As my work has an all female cast i believe a lot of women would be interested in watching my film. Also because it has a woman playing the lead roll females will also like this as in many cases the lead roll is played by a male. Even though my sequence has solely women i think it will also appeal to men. This is because the three victims are women who concentrate on their appearance and are infatuated with them selves. This will get some men interested in the film.

If i had to selct a social group i would choose too, working class and middle class. This is because i believe working class and middle class are very similar. Some people say they are middle class when other people see them as working class. They are both more likely to sit down with the family to watch a DVD or to go the the cinema.

I chose those social groups as the four girls cast in the film were working class or middle class. They didnt look upper class or lower class so i think the social groups i selected were just right for my opeing title sequence.

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