Saturday, 28 March 2009

Evaluation - Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt a lot about media studies during the months of doing the opening title sequence. I have gained many skills throughout this whole process.

I realised that working in a group can have its pros and cons, when I first joined a group I thought it would have been straightforward, yet I found out at times it was extremely complicated to work with three other girls. I believe this happened as we all had our own individual ideas for our group tile sequence and we all had to compromise and take on board everyone Else's ideas. In the end I am glad I joined the group as I feel that I have gained some much needed people skills. When I was working with the group each of them gave me great advice and we were able to support each other this helped me gain skills in every process of creating a title sequence.

During the preliminary task I have attained more confidence as I had to act in front of the camera. At first I was hesitant but this was for my project so I put my confidence issues aside and I did the part I was given.

As I was taken out of my comfort zone I have achieved a lot more than I expected. When I began the opening title sequence I just thought I would come out of the preliminary task with an opening title sequence and some knowledge of how to film and edit media work.

To summarise the skills I feel I have learnt as far as creating an opening title sequence are how to use a video camera correctly, how to create the right mood for costume and lighting and how to edit. It has improved my confidence the fact I had to be in front of the camera and step outside my comfort zone, how to create a blog, over all it was harder than I first anticipated. I have also learnt that working in a group can have it's pitfalls as you have to compromise, listen to other peoples suggestions and come to a group decision that everyone is happy and comfortable with but also feel the upside out weighs this, as you also have help and support and can also bounce ideas to each other. I am really pleased I decided to do it as a group rather than on my own.

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